Παρασκευή 17 Ιουνίου 2011


Για  άλλη μια χρονιά τα MAD VMA εντυπωσίασαν κοινό και τηλεθεατές με ένα show υπερπαραγωγή που για μια ακόμη φορά θα αφήσει ιστορία. Μεγάλα ονόματα της ελληνικής μουσικής σκηνής και special live guests από το εξωτερικό βρέθηκαν στη σκηνή των MAD VMA και χάρισαν στο κοινό ένα εκπληκτικό πρόγραμμα το οποίο περιείχε όλα τα είδη μουσικής.Συμμετείχαν με σειρά εμφάνισης οι PLAYMEN με το ''OUT OF MY HEAD'' οι οποίοι βρέθηκαν στη σκηνή με τον Αμερικανό rapper T-PAIN ο οποίος ερμήνευσε το ''HEY BABE DROP IT TO THE FLOOR'',στη συνέχεια εμφανίστηκαν οι MELISSES μαζί με τους VEGAS και ερμήνευσαν το ''ΑΥΤΟ ΤΟ ΚΑΛΟΚΑΙΡΙ''.Τη σκηνή μοιράστηκαν επίσης ο MOHOMBI με την  ΚΑΤΕΡΙΝΑ ΣΤΙΚΟΥΔΗ λέγοντας το ''BUMBY RIDE'',ο ΔΗΜΟΣ ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΑΔΗΣ είπε το ''ΚΑΛΟΚΑΙΡΙΑ'' και επειτα με την ΝΑΝΤΙΑ ΜΠΟΥΛΕ το ''SUMMERTIME'',η ΕΛΕΝΗ ΦΟΥΡΕΙΡΑ με το ''ΠΑΙΞΕ ΜΑΖΙ ΜΟΥ'',οιNOMI RUIZ και JESSICA 6 με το''WHITE HOURSE'' έπειτα η ΗΒΗ με τον ΜΗΔΕΝΙΣΤΗ που είπαν το ''GONNA MAKE YOU SWEET(EVERYBODY DANCE NOW).Ο ΜΥΡΩΝΑΣ ΣΤΡΑΤΗΣ είπε το ''180 ΜΟΙΡΕΣ '' και μαζί με τους STAVENTO το ''ΟΛΑ ΘΑ ΠΑΝΕ ΚΑΛΑ'', ο ΣΑΚΗΣ ΡΟΥΒΑΣ είπε τις τελευταίες του επιτυχίες ,στη συνέχεια η ΔΕΣΠΟΙΝΑ ΒΑΝΔΗ είπε το ''ΓΙΑ ΑΛΛΗ ΜΙΑ ΦΟΡΑ'',οι ONIRAMA με τον SANJURO είπαν το ''ΝΑ ΤΗΝ ΠΡΟΣΕΧΕΙΣ''.Ο ΑΝΤΩΝΗΣ ΡΕΜΟΣ με το '' ΚΛΕΙΣΤΑ ΤΑ ΣΤΟΜΑΤΑ'', ο ΚΩΣΤΑΣ ΜΑΡΤΑΚΗΣ με τους OTHERVIEW είπαν το ''I'M THE ONE''και το ''SUMMER JAM'', η ΤΑΜΤΑ με το ''OBLIVION'', o ΝΙΝΟ με το ''ΟΚ'' και τέλος ο ΠΑΝΟΣ ΚΙΑΜΟΣ έκλεισε τη βραδιά με το ''ΑΠΟ ΔΕΥΤΕΡΑ''.

                                              BY ZINA

Τετάρτη 15 Ιουνίου 2011

summer songs!!

summer...the sun,the clear blue sea,the golden sand and an ipod full of summer songs!
so here is my list of summer songs that i enjoy listening in this season..anyway, whats summer without melodies that make you enjoy every minute of it???
all summer long-kid rock definatelly one of his biggest hits and one of the songs that characterise the american summer
surfing usa-beach boys classic
time to pretend-mgmt the essence of summer melodies
lets go surfing-the drums when you hear this song the only thing that you want to do is surfing
sweet disposition-the temper trap my friend vicky really likes the song for summer so here it is
who loves the sun -velvet underground one of my favourites
a-punk-vampire weekend for me this is a summer song for sure
bohemian like you-the dandy warhols dont you want to run in the sun when you hear this song and do crazy stuff??
dog days are over-florence and the machine  the most addicting and happy song ever
price tag-jessie j cool melody
go outside-cults dream pop filled with relaxing and cool melodies
pumped up kicks-foster the people love it
summer is the greatest season for music festivals so check those out as well..which summer songs do you like??
by victoria

Δευτέρα 13 Ιουνίου 2011

Breaking Dawn .........(FINALLY)

The new trailer of the  Twilight saga BREAKING DAWN is finally released! Now the vampire fans (including myself) can see again their beloved vampire Edward while some others will enjoy Jacob's sixpack.The new film is all about love and romance as a matter of fact  Edward will marry Bella even though Jacob will try to stop her. On November 18 we will be able to see only the first part from BREAKING DAWN and we will have to wait for the second one and see what is going to become about Bella's pregnacy. ENJOY.......

                                                BY ZINA

Παρασκευή 10 Ιουνίου 2011

jessie j

she can do it like a dude..
this  month ive been listening to jessie j quite a lot..i first listened to her back in december and the song was do it like a dude and i thought ehhh shes ok..but after three months i watched  some of her lives and her voice is so good well actually beyond good..she can do duet with herself..her voice is like her toy and  she can do crazy stuff with it..
so here are some information about jessica cornish She released her first single "Do It Like a Dude", which peaked at 2 in the UK. Jessie released her follow-up single, "Price Tag" which went straight to number-one in the United Kingdom, Ireland and New Zealand and top ten in 19 other countries. It remained at number-one in the UK for two consecutive weeks. Her debut album was released on 25 February 2011 and charted at number-two on the uk album chart.she has won the brit choice award for this year and she played at the brits launch party.her album was released earlier due to her success and people were asking for it..her debut album is called who you are  and check the songs price tag,do it like a dude and nobodys perfect!!!
 by victoria